Featured Creature: Titi Monkeys

Meet Henderson and Kingston — two white-eared titi monkeys that live in Amazonia’s rainforest habitat! Get to know them in this Q&A with animal keeper Donna Stockton.  

What do you find so endearing about titi monkeys?

Their wonderful and loud vocalizations! When Henderson and Kingston are trying to locate one another in the rainforest, they make several unique sounds. Henderson’s call often begins as a high-pitched “squeak” and transitions into a deeper “wok-wok” vocalization. Kingston also squeaks, but her tone is a bit softer than Henderson’s is. She has never lived in as large or noisy a habitat as our rainforest, so she is not used to making her voice travel. But, she is learning!

Titi monkey pairs will also wrap their tails together to strengthen social bonds. Although Henderson and Kingston are just companions and not a breeding pair, they still do this adorable behavior.

How do you tell Henderson and Kingston apart?

Henderson’s fur is more milk chocolate in color, whereas Kingston has frosty white fur on her face and lower body. She is also slightly longer and leaner than Henderson is.

Titi monkeys Henderson (left) and Kingston (right) at Amazonia.
Black-footed ferret mom Hickory cuddles with a litter of tiny kits inside of a nest box.

Watch Live: Black-footed Ferret Mom and Kits

Titi monkeys Henderson (left) and Kngston (right) in Amazonia.
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