This Smithsonian citizen science program provides an outdoor educational experience for backyard wildlife enthusiasts and underserved youth. Participants contribute to important scientific research by re-sighting banded birds and monitoring nests. The Neighborhood Nestwatch approach features face-to-face interaction on an annual basis between Smithsonian scientists, participants and neighborhood birds. The program takes place in metro-area backyards, as well as at under-resourced schools in cities throughout the U.S.
Resources for Participants
Find participant resources, such as information about annual site visits, nest monitoring guidelines, instructions for re-sighting color-banded birds and backyard habitat enhancements.
Re-sighting Color-banded Birds
Each year, hundreds of birds join the thousands that have already been color-banded in Nestwatch backyards and schoolyards.
Submit Neighborhood Nestwatch Data
Are you a Neighborhood Nestwatch participant? Submit your nest monitoring and bird re-sighting data to Smithsonian scientists here.