News Archive

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 articles.

Giant panda cub Xiao Qi Ji upside-down in an outdoor hammock made of wood and recycled fire-hose
December 20, 2021

Watch: 10 Animal Videos That Topped Our List in 2021

Western lowland gorilla Moke sits atop a log in the Great Ape House outdoor yard.
September 24, 2021

A Day in the Life of a Gorilla at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Jan. 27 | Giant panda cub Xiao Qi Ji had his first taste of bamboo this week!
June 14, 2021

The Science Behind Animal Snacks

A male Asian elephant, named Spike, with large white tusks and a long trunk stands outside in the sun near a pool of water at the Smithsonian's National Zoo
April 29, 2021

How Do You Care for Animals That You Can’t Share a Space With?

Western lowland gorilla Moke perches atop a log in his outdoor enclosure at the Great Ape House.
April 15, 2021

Happy 3rd Birthday, Moke!

Western lowland gorilla Baraka stands in the grass of his outdoor habitat, surrounded by logs.
March 05, 2021

#GorillaStory: How Do You Help a Gorilla With a Toothache?