Grupo Balcanes


El Salvador

Hectares of Bird Friendly Habitat:


Number of Bird Friendly Growers:



1000-2000 m


Catimor, Bourbon, Marsellesa, Caturra, Catuai, Pacamara


USDA Organic, JAS Organic, Fairtrade/Fair Trade USA, Rainforest Alliance

Pounds of Bird Friendly Coffee Produced:



Fernando Lima; | (503)78884689

Grupo Balcanes

Avenida Alfaro, No. 5, Barrio El Transito
El Congo
El Salvador

About the Farm

Grupo Balcanes is located in the mountainous basin of Santa Ana, El Salvador. Known for nearby Santa Ana Volcano and Lake Coatepeque, this area is a major coffee processing center in the country. Grupo Balcanes provides balanced, consistent coffee quality and utilizes the best agricultural practices in the industry.

“The Bird Friendly certification is very important, since it is the perfect source of natural insect control that affects the balance of nature in our coffee plantations,” said Fernando Lima of Grupo Balcanes. “For decades we have identified with nature and wildlife in our areas of cultivation, and to see the diversity of birds gives us the peace of a balanced nature that is currently being hit hard by climate change and human degradation. One drop of water does not make the sea, but it does make a difference in the social consciousness and in the needs of all animals and the wild.”  

Featured bird on the finca: Canada Warbler

Feathered fact: Overwinters in South America. One of the longest-distance migratory warblers.