Welcome to the 2023 Workshop Page on Advancing Automated Techniques for Wildlife Surveys Across the Greater Mara Ecosystem. During the workshop, we presented findings from an ecosystem-wide aerial survey that was flown in March 2022, with the goal of receiving feedback on the analytical framework being developed to automatically locate and count large wildlife in remotely sensed images. This workshop provides details of the open-source workflow being developed for archiving survey data, how machine learning models are being applied and evaluated, and the cloud-based platform that is accessible to wildlife managers to share results. Additional details can be found at the links below, inclusive of recordings of invited speakers. Please contact meeting organizers for further details. 

Workshop Agenda and Speaker Recordings

Get workshop details and a preview of the agenda.


Learn about our presenters and speakers.

Aerial Survey Image Gallery

See a gallery of images captured from our aerial survey cameras.

Publications and Additional Resources

See a list of relevant publications and links to additional resources for the Aerial Survey Workshop.

Workshop Details

Date and Time:

September 2nd-3rd, 2023, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EAT


Zebu Lodge - Narok, Kenya


Please cite the use of materials presented in this workshop as: 

[Author]. (2023, September 2-3). [Talk Title]. Workshop for Advancing Automated Techniques for Wildlife Surveys across the Greater Mara Ecosystem.  Narok, Kenya. https://nationalzoo.dev.si.edu/aerial-survey-workshop  

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