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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 articles.

The Science Behind Animal Snacks
How do you create a menu that is pleasing to the palates of giant pandas, flamingos and fishing cats?

Fishing Cat Study Looks to Improve Breeding Success Rates
Fishing cats are vulnerable in the wild across South and Southeast Asia, and sightings by scientists are few and far between. Not many of these small spotted cats live in zoos either, which could spell trouble for the entire species.

A Day in the Life of an Asia Trail Keeper
Training sloth bears, making an otter puzzle feeder and researching red pandas by studying their poop. It’s all in a day’s work for animal keeper Tallie Wiles! Follow her story for a behind-the-scenes glimpse into a day in the life of an Asia Trail keeper. Asia Trail is home to the Smithsonian's...
Twin Fishing Cats Born At The National Zoo: A First Aug 16, 2013
Our fishing cat kitten, Wasabi, and his mom, Electra, are now on exhibit daily at Asia Trail's fishing cat exhibit. Lek (Wasabi's dad), is on exhibit in the second yard. Wasabi was born May 17, but had to wait to go into the outdoor exhibit until all of his vaccinations were up to date. Now he's...
Twin Fishing Cats Born At The National Zoo: A First Jul 17, 2013
Asia Trail curators and zoo staff have determined the sex of eight-week-old fishing cat kitten Wasabi—and it's a boy! Zoo veterinarians gave Wasabi a clean bill of health after performing a complete physical exam July 10 which included: listening to the kitten's heart and lungs; checking his mouth...
Twin Fishing Cats Born At The National Zoo: A First Jul 02, 2013
Our fishing cat kitten has a spicy personality—and a name to match! Animal care staff has given the kitten the name "Wasabi." Wasabi recently had his/her first fishing lesson with mother Electra. A patient mother, Electra waited until Wasabi was paying attention. She showed her kitten the art of...
Twin Fishing Cats Born At The National Zoo: A First June 17, 2013
This week we have started letting our keeper aides meet the fishing cat kitten—as you can see, Electra's pretty relaxed about the whole process, but is definitely keeping an eye on things. In this photo, Electra actually brought the kitten up to the mesh and deposited it there for social time! The...
Twin Fishing Cats Born At The National Zoo: A First Jun 13, 2013
Our fishing cat kitten, born May 17, is growing fast! The kitten and its mother Electra are bonding in an off-exhibit area. Keepers have been monitoring the pair closely. A few days ago, Electra was comfortable with the keepers separating her and her kitten for a few moments while they weighed—750...
Twin Fishing Cats Born At The National Zoo: A First May 17, 2013
Just before midnight on May 17, the mewling of a newborn kitten delighted keepers at the National Zoo's Asia Trail. The kitten's mother, Electra, had two kittens last year on May 18 (see below for more information on last year's births). The adjacent photo depicts the first time that the mother...
Fishing Cat Kittens Explore Their Yard
Visitors to the Smithsonian's National Zoo can now see its three-month-old fishing cat kittens exploring, playing, climbing and fishing on Asia Trail. The kittens and their mother, Electra, will be on exhibit from approximately 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day, weather permitting. They are most active in...