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Displaying 51 - 75 of 90 articles.

#GorillaStory: Moke Tug-of-War
Follow Primate Keeper Melba Brown's latest #GorillaStory update on 20-week-old western lowland gorilla Moke!

#GorillaStory: Moke in the Middle
Primate keeper Melba Brown says western lowland gorilla infant Moke's big (and often, humorous) personality is beginning to emerge.

#GorillaStory: Hanging Around with Moke (and Redd)
In her latest update, primate keeper Melba Brown shares that 4-month-old Moke is embarking on a new era of discovery.

#GorillaStory: Who Knows This Nose?
At 4 months old, western lowland gorilla infant Moke is already solid on his footing and has started giving his mom, Calaya, some good exercise in chasing after him!

#GorillaStory: Make Way for Moke
Primate keeper Melba Brown shares the latest news about 15-week-old western lowland gorilla Moke.

#GorillaStory: Moke Displays His Dominance
Check out the latest update on our 3.5-month-old gorilla infant from primate keeper Melba Brown.

#GorillaStory: Moke and Kibibi
Western lowland gorilla Moke is learning to walk! This week, he spent some quality time with 9-year-old Kibibi.

#GorillaStory: Moke Takes His First Steps
Read the latest update on the Zoo's 10-week-old western lowland gorilla, Moke, and watch a video of him trying to take his first steps!

#GorillaStory: Just Like Mom
Primate keeper Melba Brown says 9-week-old western lowland gorilla infant Moke is taking in all of the sights, sounds and scents around him.

#GorillaStory: Moke the Explorer
Today, Moke turns two months old! He is just as curious as ever, but now he is becoming bolder and more interested in those around him.

#GorillaStory: Moke is Teething
In the past two weeks, our western lowland gorilla infant, Moke, has sprouted two new teeth! When he was five weeks old, the primate team observed two lower incisors break through his gums. Now, at 7 weeks old, he has two new upper incisors!

#GorillaStory: Moke, Calaya and Kojo
At six weeks old, western lowland gorilla Moke is already showing interest in exploring his surroundings. Despite his adventurous spirit, mom Calaya continues to hold her infant close.

#GorillaStory: Curious Moke
At 5 weeks old, western lowland gorilla infant Moke continues to thrive, and keepers are beginning to see how his personality is developing. He is very curious and wiggly!

Today Is Endangered Species Day
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute is dedicated to saving species. Every day, its scientists and partners undertake important conservation efforts to protect species and their habitats.

#GorillaStory: Moke Is One Month Old
Western lowland gorilla infant Moke turned one month old on Tuesday! He continues to do well and remains bright and alert.

#GorillaStory: A Growing Gorilla
At almost 3 weeks old, western lowland gorilla infant Moke is growing quickly and is starting to take in his surroundings.

#GorillaStory: Moke's on the Move
Moke's on the move! The 12-day-old western lowland gorilla at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo continues to do well.

#GorillaStory: Welcome, Moke
On Sunday, April 15, at 6:25 p.m., we welcomed our seventh western lowland gorilla at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo!

#GorillaStory: Moke and Mom Settle In
On Sunday, April 15, western lowland gorilla Calaya gave birth! Calaya and her newborn son, Moke, are resting and bonding in the Great Ape House.
Western Lowland Gorilla Born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
For the first time in nine years, primate staff at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo are celebrating the birth of a male western lowland gorilla.

#GorillaStory: Behavior Watch
The Great Ape House is awaiting the arrival of its newest resident! Keepers have been watching western lowland gorilla Calaya’s sleep patterns, appetite and socialization, as any changes in her behavior may signal that birth is near.

#GorillaStory: What to Expect
As western lowland gorilla Calaya nears the end of her pregnancy, keepers at the Great Ape House are keeping a close watch on her, monitoring for any indication that she is in labor. Calaya is due to give birth anytime between now and early May.

#GorillaStory: Nutrition
Primate keeper Melba Brown discusses nutrition for pregnant western lowland gorilla, Calaya, and the significant role of milk for her infant.

#GorillaStory: Foster Training with Mandara
Expectant animal mothers at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo often undergo maternal training to ensure that they are successful parents to their new offspring. In addition to training the mothers-to-be, animal keepers frequently train a “foster mom” in the event that a mother is unwilling or unable to...