Due to technical difficulties, we cannot process online payments. Free Entry Passes are still available and visitors may purchase Parking Passes at the Zoo (subject to availability).
Due to high demand, line access for the Giant Panda Habitat may close early. Arrive with time to spare for the best chance to see the bears.
We are happy to announce Granger cheetah is doing well following his surgery last week and will be joining Draco and Zabini back at Cheetah Conservation Station. Cheetah Draco's health, unfortunately, has taken a turn for the worse. He continues to lose weight and refuse to eat. Yesterday, he was...
When you work closely with someone day in and day out—regardless of whether they're a human coworker or an animal you care for—you get to know their quirks and behavior. So when animal care staff noticed that Granger, one of four male cheetahs that live at the Zoo, wasn't eating as much as he...
Draco, our cheetah who was losing weight, has gained a little weight and seems to be doing better this week! He showed a three-pound weight gain when he was weighed last week, and showed another weight gain when he was weighed this week. He has eaten his full allotment of food and medicine all week...
As we mentioned last week Draco, one of our cheetahs, hasn't been eating and has been losing weight. As he isn't improving, the animal care team gave him a complete examination yesterday. During his examination, the team found that Draco was very thin, which reflects what animal care had observed...
Regular Zoo visitors are probably familiar with the sight of our three cheetah brothers: Zabini, Granger, and Draco. One of the brothers, Draco, has never had a robust appetite. It's typical for cheetahs to lose weight in the spring and summer and to gain it again in the fall and winter. While he...