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Displaying 1 - 25 of 40 articles.

Bornean Orangutan Dies at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
Primate staff are mourning the loss of Kyle, a 28-year-old male Bornean orangutan who died Jan. 10.

#OrangutanStory: Happy 7th Birthday, Redd!
Today, we celebrate Redd’s birthday! Our youngest Bornean orangutan has officially entered his “sassy sevens” era.

#OrangutanStory: Happy 6th Birthday, Redd!
Summer is drawing to a close, which means our young Bornean orangutan, Redd, will celebrate his sixth birthday soon on Sept. 12.

Amazing Ape-ril
April, or Ape-ril, is a great time to recognize our apes because many of them celebrate their birthdays this month!

#OrangutanStory: Happy 5th Birthday, Redd!
Our youngest Bornean orangutan, Redd, celebrated his fifth birthday Sept. 12! Primate keeper Erin Stromberg looks back at some of her favorite moments from the past year in her latest #OrangutanStory update.

How Do You Give Medicine to Zoo Animals?
From salamanders to siamangs, prairie dogs to pandas, and everything in between, all Zoo animals receive veterinary care. Often, that means an animal needs to take medicine. Find out how keepers and veterinarians administer medicine in this update.

How to Care for Orangutans
Swing along with primate keeper Emily Bricker as she shares her stories about caring for orangutans.

#OrangutanStory: Happy 4th Birthday, Redd! (Part II)
It’s hard to believe that we are already celebrating our youngest Bornean orangutan’s fourth birthday! Catch up on the latest Redd news from primate keeper Erin Stromberg.

#OrangutanStory: Happy 4th Birthday, Redd! (Part I)
As our young Bornean orangutan nears his fourth birthday, primate keeper Erin Stromberg reflects on how his relationships with the adults in his social network have blossomed over the last year.

Bringing the Zoo to You: March 2020 Edition
From flamingo courtships to weekly weigh-ins for the African lions, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo is buzzing with beastly activity behind the scenes!

Under (Blood) Pressure: Monitoring Heart Rates in Zoo Primates
How do you get an orangutan to sit still for an electrocardiogram? All it takes is a little patience and a lot of ingenuity! The Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s positive reinforcement training program enables primates to voluntarily participate in their own medical care without the need for anesthesia.

#OrangutanStory: Happy 3rd Birthday, Redd!
As Bornean orangutan Redd turns 3 years old, primate keeper Erin Stromberg reflects on his exciting year.

Primate Diary: Observing Orangutans in the Wild
As two orangutan infants tussled in the trees, curator of primates Meredith Bastian and primate keeper Alex Reddy looked on in awe. Over the summer, they traveled to Central Kalimantan in Indonesian Borneo to follow these great apes in their native habitat.

Summer 2019 Guide to Beating the Heat at the Zoo
Visitors to Washington, D.C., can expect warm weather and humidity this season. But not to worry — we’ve rounded up a few of the best ways to beat the heat at the Zoo this summer.

Attention-Grabbing Apes: Studying Gorilla and Orangutan Gestures
With two youngsters, Moke and Redd, growing up at the Great Ape House, primate staff are taking the rare opportunity to study the gestures and spatial proximity between gorilla and orangutan mother-infant dyads.

#OrangutanStory: Redd Goes to School
Over the winter, Bornean orangutan Redd learned some new husbandry behaviors! Read the latest #OrangutanStory from primate keeper Erin Stromberg.

What Are Orangutans Thinking?
Let’s play a game…for science! With a tap of the touch-screen computer, orangutans at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo try their memories at matching pictures. These games help scientists study the apes’ metacognition.

How to Woo at the Zoo
This Valentine’s Day (or any day!) celebrate with your beloved and 2,700 of your closest animal friends at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo.

#OrangutanStory: Redd Finds His Voice
What sounds does an infant orangutan make? Primate keeper Erin Stromberg filmed the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s 2-year-old Bornean orangutan Redd as he pleaded with his mother to share her food. Get the scoop on this and his latest milestones in this Q&A with Stromberg.

The Nuances of Orangutan Nests
As the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s great apes prepare to go to sleep, they make their beds, then settle in. Just like their wild counterparts, orangutans in zoos build cozy nests.

#OrangutanStory Update: Redd Is Turning Two
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s charismatic Bornean orangutan infant, Redd, will celebrate his second birthday Sept. 12! Since the last update in February, he has hit some major milestones. Get the latest scoop on this playful primate.

Are Orangutans Monkeys? And Other Orangutan Facts
Get the answers to your most internet-searched questions about orangutans.

#GorillaStory: Foster Training with Mandara
Expectant animal mothers at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo often undergo maternal training to ensure that they are successful parents to their new offspring. In addition to training the mothers-to-be, animal keepers frequently train a “foster mom” in the event that a mother is unwilling or unable to...

#OrangutanStory Update: A Redd Winter
At 16 months old, Bornean orangutan infant Redd is growing stronger and more independent every day. Read all about Redd’s progress and favorite activities in the latest Q&A with animal keeper Erin Stromberg. How is Redd doing? Redd is doing very well! Over the past several months, he has sharpened...

Orangutan Infant Redd Explores His Surroundings
Bornean orangutan infant Redd is 9 months old! Although he still sticks close to mom, Batang, and she keeps a watchful eye on him, he is very active and seems to enjoy exploring his surroundings.