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Displaying 101 - 125 of 2348 articles.

#GorillaStory: Snacktime With Zahra
Our 7-month-old Western lowland gorilla Zahra is becoming quite the independent little lady... as long as she's not too busy stealing food from her mother!

New at the Zoo: Meet Nick the California Sea Lion
The American Trail welcomes California sea lion Nick to the herd, as he makes his splashy debut!

Taking a Closer Look at Takhi on National Day of the Horse
In 2004, the United States Congress designated Dec. 13 to be “National Day of the Horse” - an opportunity to recognize the outsized role domesticated horses have played in human history. But for this year’s Day of the Horse, we’re taking a different tack, if you will, to recognize the Przewalski’s...

#CheetahCubdate: Ready to Play and Excited for Treats
Our newest litter of five cubs are are playful and closely bonded—and they love chasing each other through the yard. It’s a lot for eight-year-old Echo to keep track of!

#PandaStory: A Happy Homecoming
Giant pandas Tian Tian, Mei Xiang and Xiao Qi Ji are settling in nicely in their new home at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda’s ShenShuPing Campus.

Lessons from the Swift Fox: Risk, Stress and Success
Does an animal's personality play a role on whether it will survive in the wild? Researchers are using a surprising clue to find out: poop.

Talking Turkey: Q&A With a Bird House Keeper
This holiday season, the Zoo invites you to give thanks to a beloved American icon—but not at the dining room table. Learn about how Bird House keeper Jen Ferraro helps care for the Zoo's resident turkeys.

#GorillaStory: Adventure Awaits
In a little over a week, our western lowland gorilla infant, Zahra, will be six months old! Overall, she is doing great and has recently started going on many little adventures.

Happy First Birthday, Andean Bear Cubs!
Climbing trees, breaking branches and munching on mulberries — that’s a day in the life of our Andean bear brothers, Ian and Sean! Celebrate their first birthdays in this update from keeper Sara Colandrea.

Introducing Vicki, Asia Trail’s Newest Bachelorette
She's spunky, engaging and loves eating bugs. Get to know this 10-year-old female sloth bear, the newest resident of the Zoo’s Asia Trail.

Giant Pandas Land Safely in China
Giant pandas Mei Xiang, Tian Tian and Xiao Qi Ji touched down at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport after a 19-hour, 9,000 mile flight from Washington, D.C.

Giant Pandas Depart Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute for China
Giant pandas Tian Tian, Mei Xiang and Xiao Qi Ji began their journey to China on Wednesday, Nov. 8.

#CheetahCubdate: Brave Little Explorers
Our newest litter of cheetah cubs are busy exploring... and they just got their first physical! Learn about caring for cubs in this update from carnivore biologist Adrienne Crosier.

Focus on the Future: Molly Corder
A lifelong goal to save animals led Smithsonian fellow Molly Corder to find ways to protect critically endangered black rhinos from extinction threats.

Oriole Chicks Receive Names Following a Public Vote
The public has voted and now the 10 oriole chicks hatched at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute’s (NZCBI) Bird House have names!

A Summer Ritual
"The last three panda babies are synonymous with my motherhood journey and my love affair with the Smithsonian's National Zoo. I had my first baby in 2008; we started going to the Zoo regularly when Lucas was an infant..."

Extraordinary Grief and a Tiny Little Bear
"My brother suddenly passed away in December 2005. A couple days after returning from his funeral, I remembered I had timed tickets to see Tai Shan. It was the furthest thing from my mind..."

Even Monkeys Should Eat Their Vegetables!
Researchers at the Zoo found higher fiber and lower sugar diets had a range of health benefits for primates in human care.

New Technologies Track Prairie Dogs and Map Their Burrows for the First Time
Specialized technologies offer a new perspective into the lives of endangered black-footed ferrets and their prairie dog prey.

Public Can Help Name Orchard Oriole Chicks at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute
In a major conservation success, 10 oriole chicks hatched at the Bird House, and the Zoo is seeking the public’s help to name them.

Egg-citing News: Bird House Welcomes Oriole Chicks
In summer 2023, Bird House keepers celebrated the arrival of orchard oriole chicks—the first hatched in human care—and Baltimore oriole chicks. Curator Sara Hallager shares an update about the team's success.

#GorillaStory: Mothers Know Best
Our 5-month-old baby gorilla is experiencing her first autumn! Catch up with baby Zahra and her mother Calaya in this blog update from primate keeper Erin Stromberg.

Celebrating National Veterinary Technician Week: 2023
Happy National Veterinary Technician Week! At the Zoo, vet techs play a major role in keeping our animals healthy.

4 Animals That Are Not as Creepy as You Think (And 4 That Are Creepier)
Seasons creepings! This Halloween, get to know some animals who don’t deserve to have such fearsome reputations... and some that you might not want to encounter alone on a moonlit night.

Meet Our Komodo Dragon, Murphy
Join us in wishing a very happy hatchday to our Komodo dragon, Murphy! Our calm, laid-back lizard turns 25 years old today.