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Displaying 1326 - 1350 of 2344 articles.
Where Do Wild Przewalski's Horses Roam?
A conservationist’s work is never done. At least, it doesn’t stop when a species is returned to its native habitat. Instead, scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s (SCBI) Conservation Ecology Center use satellite tracking collars to understand the challenges animals face once...
When is a Hartmann's Mountain Zebra Ready for Motherhood?
For the first time in more than 15 years, zebras are grazing the fields at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in Front Royal, Va. In the next year, scientists will work to gain an understanding of zebra biology and develop artificial insemination techniques that will help ensure a...
A Motherhood Learning Curve for Batang
The newest member of our primate family has arrived! Meet Redd, a Bornean orangutan born to mother Batang and father Kyle on Sept. 12. In our latest #OrangutanStory update, keeper Erin Stromberg reveals how our first-time mom is adjusting and bonding with her newborn. How are Batang and Redd doing...
Giant Panda Update: A New Treat
One of the defining and iconic characteristics that makes giant pandas unique among bears is their diet -- bamboo. They evolved to eat bamboo, which is a type of grass, and although it makes up about 99 percent of their diet, pandas have the gastrointestinal tract of a carnivore. All bamboo might...
Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s Great Ape House Reopens
The Great Ape house will reopen on Tuesday morning. This will be the first opportunity for the visitors and the media to see the Zoo’s infant Bornean orangutan born to Batang on Sept. 12.
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute to Host Annual Autumn Conservation Festival
The Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in Front Royal, Va., will open to the public for its annual Autumn Conservation Festival Oct. 1 and 2. The festival is the only time of year when the breeding and research facility is open to the public. The 3,200-acre facility serves as...
Orangutan Mom and Infant Bonding
Batang and her infant are doing well! Keepers report that she is very attentive to his needs, holds him gently and consistently nurses him—all encouraging signs. The primate team provided the pair with extra hay and blankets to keep them comfortable. While the other adults have not met the newest...
Importance of Landscape Architecture at the Zoo
On September 15, ASLA and the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) teamed up to host Landscape Architects as Federal Leaders, a live webinar exploring positions for landscape architects in the federal government and pathways to employment throughout the federal agencies. The webinar featured...
Orangutan Born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
For the first time in 25 years, primate staff at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo are celebrating the birth of a male Bornean orangutan. He was born at 8:52 p.m. Sept. 12. Both 19 years old, female Batang and male Kyle bred in January following a breeding recommendation from the Association of Zoos...
Conservation Genetics Pioneer Jonathan D. Ballou Receives Devra Kleiman Scientific Advancement Award
The Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute is proud to announce Jonathan D. Ballou, research scientist emeritus, has received the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)’s prestigious Devra Kleiman Scientific Advancement Award for outstanding scientific research contributions...
Remarks by Dennis Kelly, 2016 AZA Annual Conference
Thank you Kris for that very kind introduction. I want to add my thanks for all the work of outgoing Board Members Amos Morris and Lynn Clements and previous Board Chair Dennis Pate; I have learned much from of you, and it has been an honor to serve with you. I want to give my personal thanks to our...
Giant Panda Status Upgraded from "Endangered" to "Vulnerable"
Over Labor Day weekend, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released excellent news about its Red List of Threatened Species. It upgraded the giant panda from "endangered" to "vulnerable." The latest giant panda census counted more than 1,800 in the wild -- nearly double the...
Smithsonian’s National Zoo Veterinarians Use Innovative Treatments to Ease Asian Elephant Shanthi’s Arthritis
Ever since 41-year-old Asian elephant Shanthi was diagnosed with arthritis in her front wrists more than a decade ago, animal care staff at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo have been working to minimize the impact of the disease. Staff surmised that arthritic pain led Shanthi to bear weight on her...
Croc Blog: Social Behavior, Reproduction and Play
Keepers at the Reptile Discovery Center, including animal keeper Lauren Augustine, are upholding that proud tradition with ground-breaking research on social behavior, reproduction and play in a species not typically associated with any of those words: a crocodile.
Smithsonian Scientists Aid in Decoding a Mammalian Mystery: The Genetics of the Pangolin
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute scientists, as part of a team of international researchers, have shed light on the genetics of the pangolin, a mammalian mystery.
Sea Lion Pup Debuts at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
Visitors to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo can view 2-month-old female sea lion Catalina making a splash on American Trail. Born June 26, Catalina is the first sea lion pup born at the Zoo in 32 years. Since Aug. 22, she has been slowly acclimating to the exhibit and exploring alongside 11-year-old...
New Critically Endangered Sumatran Tiger at Smithsonian's National Zoo
The Smithsonian's National Zoo is home to a new male Sumatran tiger. Sparky is acclimating to his new home and can be seen at the Great Cats Exhibit. The 12-year-old tiger came to the Zoo on a breeding recommendation from the Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Plan. Sparky has never sired a litter of...
Extinct-in-the-Wild Antelope Return to the Grasslands of Chad
Thirty years after the scimitar-horned oryx were driven to extinction, the desert antelope will return to the last-known place it existed: Chad's Sahelian grasslands. The reintroduction--the culmination of decades of work--is being led by the Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD), the government of...