Cooperativa Cafetalera Capucas Limitada (COCAFCAL)



Hectares of Bird Friendly Habitat:


Number of Bird Friendly Growers:



1450-1700 meters


Caturra, Catuai, Pacas, Bourbon


USDA Organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, JAS, UTZ, C.A.F.E. Practices, Naturland

Other Products:

Honey, Organic Fertilizers, Ecotourism

Pounds of Bird Friendly Coffee Produced:



Silvio Morales | (+504) 2608-0041

Cooperativa Cafetalera Capucas Limitada (COCAFCAL)

Aldea: de Las Capucas; Municipio: de San Pedro, CP

About the Farm

Cooperativa Cafetalera Capucas Limitada (COCAFCAL) works to develop quality products and services while maintaining social and environmental responsibility. They practice agricultural diversification and implement best practices in order to create well-being for their partners, employees, and their community. Bordered by Guatemala, COCAFCAL is located in the Copán region of Honduras, famous for its ancient Mayan city of Copán. Founded in 1999, COCAFCAL has been Bird Friendly certified since 2013.

“We appreciate nature and the birds that are also pollinators helping to increase harvest. For example, the Emerald Hummingbird, although not migratory, serves this function,” said Jose Omar Rodriguez Romero of COCAFCAL when asked about why the Bird Friendly certification is important, “We believe God created the entire universe and put the birds as an example of his care for human beings—we hope to respond to that care by doing the same for birds in a pleasant, friendly environment, where we can all coexist. The birds beautify our environment and their sound gives us peace.”

Featured bird on the finca: Chestnut-sided Warbler

Feathered fact: Overwinters in Central America. Adaptable to disturbed habitats.