Finca Terrerito



Hectares of Bird Friendly Habitat:


Number of Bird Friendly Growers:



1000-1400 m


Lempira, Parainema, Catuai, Bourbon, 90, Mixed


USDA Organic, Fairtrade/Fair Trade USA, Con Manos de Mujer

Other Products:

Honey, Tilapia, Dairy, Plantain, Corn, Beans, Banana,Tropical Fruits

Pounds of Bird Friendly Coffee Produced:



Al Lopez | 50497301611

Finca Terrerito

Aldea la Estanzuela
Corquin, CP

About the Farm

Finca Terrerito is a 5th generation specialty coffee farm located in the fertile, mountainous region of Copán, Honduras, notable for its Mayan civilization archeological sites. They ensure the highest quality green coffee through sustainable farming practices and by sourcing locally from their own and neighboring farms. Finca Terrerito has been Bird Friendly certified since 2020.

“Finca Terrerito was built with three key pillars in mind: improving lives, sustainability in everything we do, and the production of extraordinary coffee,” said President & CEO of Finca Terrerito, Al Lopez. “We have always cared for all wildlife and achieving the Bird Friendly certification allows us to tell the world that when they drink Finca T coffee, they are helping us build a better habitat for birds and other wildlife. It is all our responsibility to maintain a strong habitat for wildlife.” When asked how seeing birds and other wildlife on his farm feels, Al reflected: “It brings me joy and smiles­–there is nothing more pleasant than waking up in the morning to the singing of the wild birds, but most important, is showing these beautiful birds to the kids in the farm and teaching them to love and respect them.”

Featured Bird

a small bird perched on a branch with sharp thorns and small leaves

Featured bird on the finca: Magnolia Warbler

Feathered fact: Overwinters in Central America. During migration and winter, it travels in flocks with other warblers and songbirds.