Siles Plantation Family Group HH Export (Finca El Paraíso)



Hectares of Bird Friendly Habitat:


Number of Bird Friendly Growers:



1200-1400 m


Caturra, Catimor, Lempira


USDA Organic, Rainforest Alliance, Starbucks C.A.F.E.

Other Products:


Pounds of Bird Friendly Coffee Produced:



Raul Briones | 50584216775

Siles Plantation Family Group HH Export (Finca El Paraíso)

Finca el Paraiso, Comunidad las Nubes
Matagalpa, Matagalpa

About the Farm

Siles Plantation Family Group HH Export (Finca El Paraíso) is rooted in the traditions of Nicaraguan coffee, upholding coffee quality, managing their farm both ecologically and efficiently, and promoting and supporting the richness of their culture and workers. Believing nature is their best ally, they protect their soil and employ hydroelectricity in their processes, among other techniques. One of the most mountainous departments in Nicaragua, Finca El Paraíso is located in Matagalpa.

“For Siles Plantation Family Group HH Export, one of its main pillars is the conservation of nature while producing quality coffee–that’s why providing trees that serve as habitat or food for native and migratory birds is a crucial part of the interest in preserving nature. In this way the ecosystem is preserved, and the surrounding environment is full of life and birdsong,” said Raul Briones of Siles Plantation Family Group HH Export when asked why the Bird Friendly certification is important to him. “When the farm was acquired in 2014 there was little to no shade coverage in some areas and little wildlife. However, 5 years after efforts to reforest and recover areas with shade trees, the results were realized: wildlife returned day by day, you have birdsong every morning and afternoon and, in addition, the ability to appreciate many species of birds that had not been seen in a long time. Life returned to the area and the result fills us with joy seeing how nature is being conserved.”

Featured bird on the finca: Kentucky Warbler

Feathered fact: Overwinters in Mexico and Central America. Usually shy and stays close to the ground.