News Archive

Displaying 126 - 150 of 187 articles.

May 03, 2019

Featured Creature: Salamander

Bornean orangutan Redd presents his ear to primate keeper Erin Stromberg during husbandry training sessions.
May 03, 2019

#OrangutanStory: Redd Goes to School

Allen's swamp monkey Nub Armstrong.
May 03, 2019

Primates and Peanuts: Testing Tool IQ

Grasshopper-Virginia Working Landscapes
May 03, 2019

House Hunters: Amazing Arthropods

April 26, 2019

Extinct-in-the-Wild Guam Kingfisher Hatches at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Two small banded dwarf cichlids with light stripes down their bodies and fins down their backs swim over a green leaf
April 26, 2019

Finding Fish in Peru, Part Two

April 24, 2019

It’s “Dino Summer” at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

A small, iridescent red and blue fish found in Peru. Researchers believe it is a red-blue Peru tetra fish but need to conduct a DNA analysis to confirm
April 23, 2019

Finding Fish in Peru, Part One

April 23, 2019

Smithsonian Scientists Use eDNA for the First Time To Find Wood Turtles in Virginia

April 23, 2019

Elderly Gray Wolf Dies at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Global Health Program veterinarian Dr. Maureen Kamau and cheetah cub Pink.
April 19, 2019

Because of Her Story

A brightly colored bird perched on a thin branch. It has a yellow chest, red head and long, slender tail feather
April 19, 2019

The Manakin Challenge: Uncovering Bird Social Networks

Western lowland gorillas Moke and Kibibi wrestle at the Smithsonian's National Zoo's Great Ape House.
April 12, 2019

#GorillaStory: Happy Birthday, Moke!

A photo from the second naked mole-rat cam at the Smithsonian's National Zoo. The cam gives a behind-the-scenes look at the naked mole-rats moving through the tunnels that link the chambers of their exhibit together.
April 11, 2019

Second Live Naked Mole-rat Cam Is Coming to the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

Adult Tibetan antelope.
April 09, 2019

Chinese Railway Underpass Prolongs Tibetan Antelope’s Migration

A beaver with thick, wet fur, long claws and whiskers stands in shallow water and rocks
April 05, 2019

8 Facts to Celebrate International Beaver Day

Two ring-tailed lemurs with thick fur, yellow eyes, and ringed tails sit close together on a small wooden deck
April 05, 2019

Featured Creature: Meet the Lemurs

North American River Otter Pups Coquille (female), Potomac (male) and Nash (male).
April 05, 2019

New at the Zoo: North American River Otter Pups

lemur tree frog
April 05, 2019

Rewriting Frogs’ Future with Science

April 02, 2019

Spring 2019 Community Newsletter

April 02, 2019

Spring Events at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

An adult female fishing cat named Elektra nursing her two kittens in a den covered with soft hay at the Smithsonian's National Zoo in 2012.
April 01, 2019

Fishing Cat Study Looks to Improve Breeding Success Rates

March 29, 2019

Giant Panda Mei Xiang Is Artificially Inseminated at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

March 28, 2019

Mass Amphibian Extinctions Globally Caused By Fungal Disease