Internship in Red Wolf Reproductive Biology

The red wolf is a critically endangered North American canid. With fewer than 30 individuals in the reintroduced population, and approximately 290 individuals in the Association of Zoos and Aquarium’s managed population, it is vital that every valuable animal is represented in the next generation to maintain genetic variability of the species.

Significant variation exists in the quality and cryo-resistance (ability to survive cryopreservation) of sperm collected from individual males, challenging our ability to routinely utilize banked materials for reproduction. Breeding pairs only successfully produce offspring ~25% of the time, which is insufficient to support management and release efforts. 

Research conducted by Smithsonian scientists focuses on evaluating the variability of sperm characteristics and freezability among males and the effect of various supplementations (extracellular vesicles, specific proteins) on cryo-resistance of canid sperm, developing non-invasive methods to detect red wolf pregnancy, and examining the reasons why current natural breeding rates are so low (i.e. early pregnancy loss vs. fertilization failure).

Learning Objectives

Intern will learn under the supervision of the Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute's Department of Reproductive Sciences staff, led by Dr. Jennifer Nagashima. Learning objectives will include sterile culture techniques, sample processing and analysis, record keeping, laboratory and equipment maintenance, data analyses, and data presentation. This appointment provides the student with an increased understanding of gamete biology and reproduction, as well as experience in conservation research and medicine. Students will be given all the necessary training in order to work safely with chemicals and biological samples. 

 Learning activities include but are not limited to

  • Sterile culture technique
  • Immunofluoresence microscopy
  • Sperm cryopreservation and incubation
  • Gonadal tissue banking (opportunistic)
  • Protein extraction and Western blotting
  • Summarizing data and data analyses 
  • Statistical analyses 
  • Cataloging and inventorying supplies 
  • Laboratory management – cleaning, restocking and preparing reagents 
  • Professional development – research presentation skills, seminars


Interns must have:

  • Completion of at least three years of undergraduate coursework in related field of study.
  • Candidates should be efficient, organized, and possess strong computer skills (especially Excel).
  • Must be available to devote a minimum of 40 hours a week.
  • Good written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to be an effective team member, often with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to follow written and verbal instructions with strong attention to detail.
  • Ability to be flexible when changes occur
  • Must be fingerprinted and pass a background check
  • Interest in learning about carnivore reproduction with aspirations to advance in the wildlife or zoo research field.


Interns will be paid $1,500 per month.


Front Royal


Dormitory housing (single room) on-center is available at the Front Royal NZCBI campusfor $9/night plus a $5 linen fee (FY24 rates, subject to change in following fiscal year), if desired.


The intern will be provided with free parking on the Front Royal NZCBI campus for the duration of the internship, provided they adhere to the rules and regulations pertaining to the use of a personal vehicle on site, and remain in good standing with the project lead.

Term of appointment

This is a 7 month internship starting approximately Oct. 14, 2024 to May 16, 2025. Exact start/end dates are flexible.

Application deadline(s)



Internship Category


How to Apply

To apply, go to: Select "Don't have an Account? Create An Account." Complete the information to create an account.

Information that will be requested (in SOLAA) includes:

  • Basic personal information
  • Professional resume or CV
  • A one-page statement of your interest in pursuing this position. The statement should mention relevant experience, career goals, your reasons for wanting this internship, and what you hope to gain from the experience. Your statement is very important during application evaluations
  • Transcripts from your current and/or previous institutions. Unofficial transcripts are acceptable.
  • Two letters of reference (one must be from a current or a former supervisor)
  • Schedule of availability.

Once you create your account and provide the information above, you will see a screen where you select the type of appointment you are interested in. You will select:

  • Type of appointment: “Internship”
  • Unit of interest: “National Zoological Park”
  • Program: “National Zoological Park Internship Program”
  • Project: “[current-page:title]”

IMPORTANT: Your application is considered complete when you hit “Submit.” Your SOLAA-submitted application with references must be received Sept. 8. Interviews will take place the week of Sept. 9.