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Displaying 26 - 40 of 40 articles.

A Day in the Life of a Primate Keeper
Ever wondered what it would be like to care for an endangered animal? For the team who works with the Smithsonian's National Zoo's primates-- gibbons, siamangs, lemurs, orangutans and gorillas, among others-- the job entails thinking of creative ways to provide these intelligent animals with...

Bornean Orangutan Infant Crosses O-Line for the First Time at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
On April 4, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s nearly 7-month-old male Bornean orangutan, Redd, took his first trip on the O-Line carried by his mother, Batang. The 50-foot-high suspended cable track gives orangutans the choice and freedom to move between their yards at the Great Ape House and Think...

Earth Optimism: Apes Helping Apes
Infant orangutans in zoos around the world, including Redd, can help their wild counterparts by simply showing their teeth.

Keeper Update: Orangutan Redd Has Four Teeth
Five-month-old Bornean orangutan Redd has sprouted four teeth! Get the latest scoop on the growing primate infant from animal keeper Elliott Rosenthal.

The Secret Ingredient to Primate Development
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute scientist Michael Power and primate keeper Erin Stromberg discuss the science behind great ape milk in this Q & A.

Bornean Orangutan Redd's Social Circle is Growing
What has the Zoo’s 10-week-old Bornean orangutan, Redd, been up to? His social circle is expanding, says keeper Erin Stromberg, and his personality and curiosity are starting to develop! Get the latest on Redd and his mom, Batang, in the latest keeper Q&A.
Orangutan Caring Week
Happy Orangutan Caring Week! We’re celebrating the Zoo’s seven orangutans by sharing their stories. Redd Update Here’s lookin’ at you, kid! At 8 weeks old, our Bornean orangutan Redd is alert, attentive and making eye contact with those around him. His social circle is expanding, too. Earlier this...
Good News for Great Apes
What’s a zoo to do when an orangutan has the sniffles? Treatment depends on whether the infection is viral or bacterial, says Priscilla Joyner, the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute’s (SCBI’s) veterinary medical officer. She has teamed up with colleagues at the University of Miami to...
A Motherhood Learning Curve for Batang
The newest member of our primate family has arrived! Meet Redd, a Bornean orangutan born to mother Batang and father Kyle on Sept. 12. In our latest #OrangutanStory update, keeper Erin Stromberg reveals how our first-time mom is adjusting and bonding with her newborn. How are Batang and Redd doing...
Smithsonian’s National Zoo’s Great Ape House Reopens
The Great Ape house will reopen on Tuesday morning. This will be the first opportunity for the visitors and the media to see the Zoo’s infant Bornean orangutan born to Batang on Sept. 12.
Orangutan Mom and Infant Bonding
Batang and her infant are doing well! Keepers report that she is very attentive to his needs, holds him gently and consistently nurses him—all encouraging signs. The primate team provided the pair with extra hay and blankets to keep them comfortable. While the other adults have not met the newest...
Orangutan Born at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
For the first time in 25 years, primate staff at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo are celebrating the birth of a male Bornean orangutan. He was born at 8:52 p.m. Sept. 12. Both 19 years old, female Batang and male Kyle bred in January following a breeding recommendation from the Association of Zoos...
Bornean Orangutan at Smithsonian's National Zoo Is Pregnant
For the first time in 25 years, staff at the Smithsonian's National Zoo are making preparations for the highly anticipated birth of an endangered Bornean orangutan. With a breeding recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums' Species Survival Plan (SSP), the 19-year-old parents to be...
Orangutan Update
This update was written by animal keeper Erin Stromberg. Kyle and Batang—our 17-year-old Bornean orangutans—came to the Smithsonian's National Zoo several years ago. At that time, they were too young to breed; but we hoped that we would receive a breeding recommendation when they came of age. We are...
Visiting an Orangutan Orphanage
By Erin Stromberg, Great Ape Keeper at the National Zoo Late last year (2011) I got a phone call asking if I would like to go to Indonesia. Of course I accepted, and I am proud that this experience was made in part by one of my research demonstration with the orangutans at Think Tank. These...