Species Conservation
Scientists at the Conservation Ecology Center monitor and conserve populations of endangered species and their habitats around the world. Explore their ongoing projects below.
Asian Elephant Conservation
Asian elephants face critical threats throughout their range. Through satellite tracking and conflict management, scientists are working to save them.
Eld's Deer Conservation
Working with collaborators in host countries, Smithsonian researchers strive to bring Eld's deer off the endangered species list.
Giant Panda Conservation
Smithsonian scientists study giant pandas in the wild, evaluate their habitats and collaborate with partners to develop science-based conservation programs.
Giraffe Conservation
Giraffes range across diverse African habitats. Smithsonian scientists are working collaboratively and using tools like GPS, satellites and statistics to track and protect them.
Wildebeest Conservation
Conservation Ecology Center scientists are tracking the movements of white-bearded wildebeest to understand how changes across the landscape impact the species.