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Displaying 26 - 50 of 55 articles.
Sumatran Tiger Update Mar 6, 2014: Cub Enrichment Video
Sumatran tiger cubs Bandar and Sukacita turned seven months old yesterday! Both are growing fast—Bandar weighs 88 pounds, and Sukacita weighs 73 pounds. The Washington, D.C. winter weather has been particularly cold and snowy this year. On days where it's too cold to go outside, we give the cubs a...
Sumatran Tiger Update Jan 30, 2014
January’s bouts of winter weather have kept our tiger cubs, Bandar and Sukacita, on their toes! The cubs seem to have a heap of fun pouncing in the snow. While we want them to enjoy their time outside, we are mindful to let them out for just a short time. That way, they aren’t overexposed to the...
Sumatran Tiger Update Dec 17, 2013
Our Sumatran tiger cubs just turned four months old! Bandar and Sukacita quickly took to their yard. In fact, the first day we opened the door, both cubs fearlessly bolted out—climbing, hiding in the bamboo, and trying to sneak up on mom Damai (and each other)! They're great fun to watch. Right now...
Sumatran Tiger Update Nov 18, 2013
Damai's two cubs Sukacita and Bandar will have access to the yard and will be on exhibit to the public for the first time today at 10 a.m.! As they are still quite young, the tiger team anticipates that they will be on exhibit for about one hour. They will be on public exhibit each day but this may...
Sumatran Tiger Update Nov 6, 2013
Our two Sumatran tiger cubs took a brisk doggy paddle at the Smithsonian's National Zoo today and passed their swim reliability test! The cubs also now have names: the male is Bandar and and the female is Sukacita (SOO-kah-CHEE-tah). All cubs born at the Great Cats exhibit must undergo the swim...
Sumatran Tiger Update Nov 1, 2013
The cubs continue to grow and thrive. At this age everything can be a toy, including pine cones. This is the boy practicing his hunting skills with one while his sister watches. They had another round of vaccinations and as you can see in the picture of the girl, no one enjoys getting an injection...
Sumatran Tiger Update Oct 17, 2013
The shutdown has not affected the cubs at all—they didn't miss a beat! Each day they are getting bigger and bigger. They had a wellness exam on October 15, when they received routine shots and vaccines. The male cub weighs about 21 pounds and the female weighs about 19 pounds. Damai is spending more...
Sumatran Tiger Update Sep 13, 2013
Damai brings the cubs up to see Kavi most mornings now. Traveling around the building is a great way to develop their strength and coordination. We are even starting to see the cubs playing together. They are not very good at pouncing on each other yet, but it's a lot of fun to watch them try! They...
Sumatran Tiger Update Sep 7, 2013
The tiger cubs continue to thrive and are steadily gaining weight. Their coordination is improving as well, and they are exploring all five of the rooms that are available to them. The little girl came out into the runway yesterday afternoon and saw her mother Damai engage in a training session with...
Sumatran Tiger Update Sep 5, 2013
The tiger cubs are one month old today. And Damai has moved them back into a den on the tiger cam!
Sumatran tiger Update Aug 26, 2013
Our tiger cubs are 3 weeks old, and this morning they got their first veterinary exam—and passed with roaring colors. Veterinarians determined that the 2 cubs are a male and a female. The male cub weighs a little more than 8 pounds and the female weighs 7.5 pounds. During the exam the cubs received...
Sumatran tiger Update Aug 24, 2013
Look at these pictures of the cubs the keepers got this week. The keepers can already tell which markings they'll use to tell the cubs apart.Can you find one or two distinctive markings to distinguish one from the other?
Sumatran Tiger Update Aug 15, 2013
While Damai was enjoying a break from the cubs this morning, our keepers were able to continue desensitization training with them. And they were able to take some photos of them! The training is going well and will help get the cubs used to the keepers' smell and presence. As you may have noticed...
Sumatran tiger Update Aug 8, 2013
Damai came out of her den on Tuesday while keepers were in the Great Cats building, which is a good sign! That means she is comfortable with the keepers being near her cubbing den. While she was out she appeared very calm and stayed out for quite a while. She ate all of the meat keepers had offered...
Sumatran Tiger Update Jun 13, 2013
This spring has been quiet at the Great Cats unit, now that the lions have left, though Damai and Kavi continue to get along well. Since all of the lions born to Naba and Shera in 2010 have moved on to other homes, things are relatively quiet. This gives us the opportunity to catch up on some much...
Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute And National Zoo Launches Endangered Song Project
On Earth Day 2014, the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute launched the "Endangered Song Project," an analog-meets-digital outreach campaign that asked 400 participants to help raise awareness about the fact that there are only 400 Sumatran tigers left in the wild. We...
Tiger Update From SCBI Director Steve Monfort
In 2008 the Smithsonian, along with the World Bank, the World Wildlife Foundation, the Global Environmental Facility founded the Global Tiger Initiative. The Global Tiger Initiative is a platform that helps all 13 current tiger range countries develop their own national tiger recovery program. In...
Sumatran Tiger Update Feb 20, 2013
Well the bad news is that Damai was not pregnant as a result of the single breeding during her last heat. The good news is Kavi and Damai have really improved their skill set when it comes to procreation! We had been keeping our fingers crossed after their last attempt but were not too disappointed...
New Genetics Research From SCBI On Leopards And Tigers In India Underscores Importance Of Protecting Forest Corridors
As rapid economic expansion continues to shape the Asian landscape on which many species depend, time is running out for conservationists aiming to save wildlife such as tigers and leopards. Scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute have used genetic analysis to find that the...
New Genetics Research On Leopards And Tigers In India Underscores Importance Of Protecting Forest Corridors
As rapid economic expansion continues to shape the Asian landscape on which many species depend, time is running out for conservationists aiming to save wildlife such as tigers and leopards. Scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute have used genetic analysis to find that the...
Sumatran tiger Update Jan 2, 2013
Good news—Kavi and Damai have bred! While it is only once so far, it shows that Damai has overcome her understandable caution and that she trusts Kavi. In the last update we talked about how we were doing introductions even though Damai was no longer in heat. We feel that these "soft" intros really...
Sumatran Tiger Update Dec 7, 2012
Let me start by thanking everyone on behalf the staff here at Great Cats for the outpouring of sympathy and kind wishes we received on the loss of our girl, Soyono. You made a very difficult time much easier to bear and we appreciate it more than we can say. We had the opportunity to spoil her...
Sumatran Tiger Update Nov 15, 2012
Longtime followers of the tigers here at National Zoo are familiar with Soyono. She is our older female Sumatran tiger, and for years she and her mate Rokan formed our breeding pair. Soyono was born here in Washington in June of 1993 and has spent all of her long life here, becoming the oldest...
Sumatran Tiger Update Nov 1, 2012
Hurricane Sandy has come and gone here and the cats and keepers weathered the storm with no problems. On Sunday, the day before the rain started, we cleaned out gutters and drains, raked leaves, and placed sandbags at the doors. While we certainly got a lot of rain, it did not come all at once as it...
Sumatran Tiger Update Oct 15, 2012
The cats got a present! Port City Brewery in Alexandria, Virginia generously donated some kegs for the cats to use as toys. It's not easy to find things that can stand up to being played with by tigers and lions, but beer kegs are (almost) indestructible. The lions have discovered that if you whack...